fevereiro, 2025
We provide a Calendário Fiscal detalhado em todos os meses de 2025. Each bond can be saved via Google Calendar or Calendar do IOS, just click on the bond and select the desired option.
This calendar can be consulted by taxpayers and entrepreneurs who want to have their tax life always in order and organized.
Here you will find a cronograma detalhado com todas as datas de vencimentos dos impostos e obrigações fiscais para o ano de 2025.
Calendário Fiscal 2025: para contribuintes e empresários
31 January: Communication of the Inventory relativo a 2024.
15: Communication of changes to the household.
26: End of the deadline for validation of invoices on the Finance Portal.
1: Beginning of the deadline for filing the IRS return.
31: Deadline to pay the IMI of the previous year.
31: Deadline for filing the IRS return.
31: Deadline to pay the second monthly fee of the IMI of the previous year, when the amount is between 100 and 500 euros.
3: Deadline to pay the second monthly IMI fee for the previous year, when the amount exceeds 500 euros.
Periodic Obligations
SAFT: until the 5th of each month
Monthly Remuneration Statement: until the 10th of each month
Model 11 until the 15th of each month
VAT – Periodic and Recapitulative Declaration: until the 20th of each month
TSU: until the 20th of each month
Payment of VAT: until the 25th of each month (normal regime)
IUC: until the last day of the month of enrollment
Model 22: until May 31
Note: A JE não se responsabiliza por eventuais alterações dos prazos decorrentes de alterações na legislação.