The new incentive for the purchase of electric vehicles is now available for companies that wish to purchase light goods vehicles or conventional cargo bicycles (battery) that are 100% electric.

With this incentive from the Fundo Ambiental , legal entities can adopt cleaner technologies and make a transition to more sustainable mobility.

Only 200 applications are planned for each typology, so benefit from this opportunity today:

Support areas:

The new incentive provides significant financial support for companies that choose to buy electric vehicles.

Urban Logistics

T2 – 100% Electric Light Goods Vehicle
Beneficiaries: Legal Persons

200 incentives from 6.000€ (maximum of 2 incentives per candidate)

This support can reach up to 6,000 euros in the case of light goods vehicles (vans). Being a more affordable and attractive option for companies wishing to purchase 100% electric light goods vehicles, it is limited to a total of 200 incentives or a total expenditure of 1,200,000 euros. It is possible to benefit from this support up to two times.

T3 – Cargo Bikes (100% Electric and Conventional)
Beneficiaries: Legal Persons

200 incentives, 50% of the purchase price of the vehicle (incl. VAT):

  • 1.000 € in the case of conventional bicycles
  • 1.500 € no caso de bicicletas elétricas

Além dos veículos motorizados, o incentivo também cobre a compra de bicicletas de carga elétricas e convencionais. O apoio cobre 50% do valor de aquisição, com um máximo de 1.000 euros para bicicletas convencionais e 1.500 euros para bicicletas elétricas.

Application deadline

The application must be submitted through the Environmental Fund before December 31st.

Do you want to submit your application?

Tax benefits for the purchase of electric vehicles

Vehicle Tax (ISV)

This tax is paid only once at the time of vehicle registration. Electric cars have specific benefits, depending on the type of vehicle:

  • 100% electric vehicles: Total exemption from ISV.
  • Hybrid vehicles: Partial exemption of 40% from ISV (pay 60%), with a minimum range of 50 km in electric mode and emissions of less than 50 gCO2/km.
  • Plug-in hybrid vehicles: 75% reduction in ISV (they pay 25%), with a minimum range of 50 km in electric mode and emissions of less than 50 gCO2/km.

Single Circulation Tax (IUC)

100% electric vehicles are exempt from this tax, while hybrid vehicles pay a reduced rate due to lower CO2 emissions.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Companies can deduct 100% of VAT on electricity consumed and expenses with electric vehicles.

  • 100% electric vehicles: Full VAT deduction for vehicles up to €62,500 (excl. VAT) and exemption from autonomous taxation
  • Plug-in hybrid vehicles: Full VAT deduction for vehicles up to €50,000 (excl. VAT)
  • Depreciações: Depreciation of electric vehicles up to €62,500 is accepted as expenses

Autonomous Taxation

Autonomous taxation applies exclusively to companies (IRC taxpayers):

  • 100% electric vehicles: Exempt from autonomous taxation for vehicles with an acquisition cost of up to €62,500.
  • Plug-in hybrid vehicles: Rates vary between 2.5% (purchase value less than €27,500), 7.5% (between €27,500 and €35,000), and 15% (equal to or greater than €35,000), provided that they have a minimum range of 50 km in electric mode and emissions of less than 50 gCO2/km.

Depreciation and tax amortization

Companies can amortize or depreciate the acquisition value of vehicles annually, deducting the tax depreciation from the company's profit. For electric vehicles, the maximum purchase ceiling is €62,500 (excluding VAT) for 100% electric vehicles and €50,000 (excluding VAT) for plug-in hybrid vehicles.

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