A Linha de Microcrédito Turismo e a Line + Interior Tourism, foram lançadas para promover e dinamizar a oferta turística no interior do país, com o valor global de 35 milhões de euros.
Estas linham servem para apoiar financeiramente o desenvolvimento de projetos de investimento promovidos pelas micro e pequenas empresas e contribuir para a melhoria da sua competitividade, para uma adequada e sustentável estruturação da oferta turística e para a qualificação dos territórios. A Linha de Microcrédito Turismo para o Interior é aplicável aos projetos a desenvolver nos Territórios de Baixa Densidade, promovidos por empresas igualmente localizadas nesses territórios
Tourism Microcredit Line
The Tourism Microcredit Line is applicable to projects to be developed in low-density territories and has a budget allocation of 15 million euros for micro and small companies that develop tourism activities with regard to competitiveness, qualification of inland territories and sustainable structuring of the tourism offer.
What is the applicable nature of the Tourism Microcredit Line?
State support takes the form of a loan without any associated remunerative interest. The maximum funding rate for projects is 90% with a limit of €30,000.
Support shall apply to:
• projects developed in Low Density Territories;
• projects whose main activity is the operation of stores with history;
• establishments that promote the sale of local and regional products, namely certificates or with a seal of authenticity.
The support, under this microcredit line, amounts to 90% of the investment, with a maximum limit of 30 thousand euros, providing for the possibility of granting a realization premium in the amount corresponding to 30% of the financing (conversion to non-repayable funds).
What activities are framed:
The CAEs of the tourist activities eligible for this support are as follows: 49392 • 551 • 55201 • 55202 • 55204 • 55300 • 561 • 563 • 771 • 79 • 82300 • 90040 • 91020 • 91030 • 91041 • 91042 • 93110 • 93192 • 93210 • 93211 • 93292 • 93293 • 93294 • 93295 • 96040.
Line + Interior Tourism
The Line + Interior Tourism provides EUR 20 million for public entities, associations or foundations that propose to develop projects that contribute to sustainable tourism development in the interior territories, enhancing new strategies for valuing their resources, assets and agents, generating higher levels of tourist attractiveness and promoting their social and economic dynamization in the low-density territories.
The financial support is non-refundable in nature and corresponds to a rate of 70%, with a maximum limit of 400 thousand euros, per project or, in the case of a joint application, per entity.
Which projects can be framed?
- Valorization of the interior responding to the needs and interests of a demand for greater added value
- Strengthening the tourist attractiveness of the territories, through the regeneration of resources, qualification of assets and agents, promotion of intelligent and sustainable mobility
- Promotion of knowledge about territories and their flows
- Development of innovative products or segments
Note: Priority is given to projects that foster the development of value-added tourism products, such as: cultural and heritage tourism, industrial tourism, rail tourism, sports tourism, nautical tourism, wine tourism, military tourism, literary tourism, scientific tourism, religious tourism, health tourism, gastronomic tourism and the nature tourism.
What is the deadline for applications?
The deadline for applications runs until the end of the 1st quarter of 2025, divided into quarterly phases of applications that end in March, June, September and Decemberof each year.
Check the complete information you must access to Despacho Normativo n.º 8/2023 and to Despacho Normativo n.º 7/2023
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