For very light plastic bags a fee similar to lightweight plastic bags will be applied. Initially, from 1 June 2023, the obligation to prohibit the provision of very lightweight plastic carrier bags and single-use plastic containers, such as plastic cups, in the marketing of bakery products, fruit and vegetables was imposed.

It was also established in Lei n.º 77/2019, which was later amended by Lei n.º78/2021, the obligation to provide the final consumer with reusable alternatives or made by a single material other than plastic.

Still, bags and containers made from biodegradable plastic can be made available for hygiene and food safety purposes or if the customer wants to (provided that he is charged).

What activities are covered by the ban on very lightweight plastic bags?

All trade, service and catering activities which, among others, market bakery products, fruit and vegetables are covered.

What are the infractions associated with non-compliance with the law?

It is mild economic offence, punishable under the Legal Regime of Economic Offences (RJCE), approved in annex to Decree-Law no. 9/2021, of 29 January:

  • Provision and marketing of very light plastic bags;
  • The marketing of products packaged in single-use plastic containers such as cups and boxes (with or without lids);
  • The non-availability to consumers of reusable alternatives or made of a single material.

These measures follow the reduction of the impact of plastic products on the environment, in particular on the aquatic environment, and on human health. With a view to contributing to a circular economy of innovative and sustainable business models, products and materials.

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