The Tourism Support Line aims to support the sustainable recovery of Tourism, through the promotion of relevant investments for the sector.

The amount available is €300,000,000 and each line guarantees up to 80% of the outstanding capital at any given time.

Specific Lines

  • Working Capital
    short, medium and long-term bank financing for operations aimed exclusively at financing cash needs
  • Investment
    short, medium and long-term bank financing for operations aimed at financing investment in tangible and intangible fixed assets, which contribute to the development of the company's activity
  • Bank Guarantees
    bank guarantees provided in favour of third parties, national or foreign, which ensure the proper execution of investments or events, or the fulfilment of payment obligations
  • Technical Warranties
    financial guarantees and guarantees of good performance issued by the SGMs, and provided directly to third parties, national or foreign, in the context of investment projects or events of interest to tourism, or in the context of the fulfilment of payment obligations.

Saiba se está enquadrado:


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Large Enterprises, located in the national territory, which carry out their main activity in the CAE listed in Annex VI, can apply to the Tourism Support Line.

Maximum Amount of Funding

  • Working Capital
    Micro: up to €250,000
    Small Business: up to €750,000Medium, Small Mid Caps, Mid Caps and Large Companies: up to €1,500,000
  • Investment
    up to €4,500,000
  • Bank Guarantees
    per operation of 5 000 000 euros
  • Technical Warranties
    per operation of 5 000 000 euros.

Overall Funding Term

  • Working Capital
    up to 6 years
  • Investment
    Micro, Pequenas ou Médias Empresas: até 20 anosSmall Mid Cap, Mid Cap ou Grandes Empresas: até 10 anos
  • Bank Guarantees
    up to 10 years
  • Technical Warranties
    up to 10 years

Mutual Guarantee

The credit operations to be entered into under this Line benefit from an autonomous guarantee at the first request provided by the SGMs, intended to guarantee up to 80% of the outstanding capital at any given time. The guarantees issued by the SGMs benefit from a 100% counter-guarantee from the FCGM.


Saiba se está enquadrado:

Spread, taxa de juro e comissão de garantia bancária

By agreement between the Bank and the beneficiary, a fixed or variable interest rate will be applied. The interest will be borne in full by the beneficiary and will be paid thereafter according to the periodicity of the capital amortizations.


1 Year Loans 1-3 year loans 3-6 year loans 6-10 year loans Loans of + 10 years
Spread bancária Up to 1.25% Up to 1.50% Up to 1.85% Up to 2.5% Up to 3%


Applications should be submitted to credit institutions.

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