Estão abertas as candidaturas de Apoio ao Setor Agrícola no âmbito dos concursos do Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural (PDR). Estes apoios visam a ajudar os empresários na modernização, valorização e fortalecimento do Setor Agrícola, que tanto tem sido mitigado nestes últimos tempos. Devido às consequências da seca e inflação dos produtos estes apoios tornam-se essenciais para reduzir possíveis perdas que possam ter existido.

In this article you can find all the information you need to revitalize your project.

Applications ADICES

ADICES (Associação de Desenvolvimento Local)

Small Investments in agricultural holdings

Data: Até 16 de dezembro

Investments: 100€ to 50 000€

Geographical Area: Águeda, Carregal do Sal, Mortágua, Santa Comba Dão and Tondela

Applications must meet the following objectives:

  • Promote the improvement of the living, working and production conditions of farmers;
  • Contribute to the process of modernization and training of companies in the agricultural sector;
  • Budget allocation of 103.620,42 €.

Small Investments in the Processing and Commercialization of Agricultural Products

Date: Until December 9

Investments: 10 000€ to 200 000€

Geographical Area: Águeda, Carregal do Sal, Mortágua, Santa Comba Dão and Tondela

Applications should contribute to the process of modernization and training of companies processing and commercialization agricultural products.

The support has a budget allocation of € 110,783.

Diversification of activities on the agricultural holdings

Date: Until December 9

Investments: 10 000€ to 200 000€

Geographical Area: Águeda, Carregal do Sal, Mortágua, Santa Comba Dão and Tondela

Applications must submit the following objectives:

  • stimulate the development on agricultural holdings of activities other than the production, processing or marketing of agricultural products listed in Annex I to the TFEU, creating new sources of income and employment;
  • Contribute directly to the maintenance or improvement of household income, the settlement of the population, the occupation of the territory and the strengthening of the rural economy.
  • The budget allocation for this support is € 114,664.97.

Short Chains and Local Markets

Date: Until December 9

Investments: 5 000€ a 200 000€

Geographical Area: Águeda, Carregal do Sal, Mortágua, Santa Comba Dão and Tondela

Applications must submit the following objectives:

  • Promote direct contact between the producer and the consumer, contributing to the flow of local production, the preservation of local products and specialists, the reduction of food waste, the improvement of the food diet through access to fresh, quality seasonal products, as well as fostering trust between the producer and the consumer;
  • Encourage less intensive and environmentally sustainable cultural practices, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the costs of storage, refrigeration and transportation of products to distribution centers.

The budget allocation for this support is € 51,801.81.

Applications ADDLAP

ADDLAP (Associação de Desenvolvimento Dão Lafões e Alto Paiva)

Small Investments in agricultural holdings

Date: November 30

Operating cost: 100€ to 50 000€

Geographical Area: Vouzela, Viseu, São Pedro do Sul, Oliveira de Frades and Vila Nova de Paiva


  • Promote the improvement of the living, working and production conditions of farmers;
  • Contribute to the process of modernization and training of companies in the agricultural sector.

The budget allocation for this support is €80,000.

Small Investments in the Processing and Commercialization of Agricultural Products

Date: Until November 30

Operating cost: 10 000€ to 200 000€

Geographical Area: Vouzela, Viseu, São Pedro do Sul, Oliveira de Frades and Vila Nova de Paiva

Applications should contribute to the process of modernization and training of companies processing and marketing agricultural products.

The budget allocation for this support is € 100,305.54.

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