According to Law No. 7/2009, of 10th September, art.15, it's the employer's obligation to ensure safety and health conditions in in all work-related aspects, applying the necessary measures and taking into account the general principles of prevention.
We provide obligations that you should request from the company providing the medicine, hygiene and safety at work service to comply with the legislation, among which we highlight the following:
Single Report (RU) – Annex D
Information on the conditions of the employment contract
Safety medical fitness certificates
Risk assessment certificates
List/Reports of accidents at work and occupational diseases
Measures, proposals and recommendations made by OSH services (Occupational Safety and Health)
Identificação dos trabalhadores responsáveis pela estrutura interna dos primeiros socorros, combate a incêndios e evacuação de instalações
Periodic verification report and/or maintenance booklet of work equipment
Instruction manual for work equipment in Portuguese
Formação e informação dos trabalhadores em SST certificados
Communication of site opening and changes in the identification of subcontractors
Health and safety plan in project and/or construction site
Fichas de procedimentos de segurança
Nomeação de coordenador de segurança e respetivo termo de aceitação
Registo atualizado de subempreiteiros e trabalhadores independentes
Recording of working and driving time
Registration of delivery of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment))
Therefore, when hiring a company specialized in health and safety at work, it's important that you make sure that it's complying with all legal obligations relacionadas com a sua atividade. Dessa forma, é possível garantir a proteção dos colaboradores e evitar problemas com a fiscalização.
Note: These obligations are of a general nature, and others that may derive from specific legislation applicable differently to each type of activity or specifically to one type of activity are not covered by these articles.