The measure of "Sustainable Employment Commitment" promotes the indefinite hiring of unemployed registered in the IEFP, until 28 December 2023. Created with the objective of encouraging the hiring of young people, fostering the net creation of jobs, stimulating more stable employment links, setting adequate wages and promoting equality in access to labor market conditions.
Employment support is also complemented by the allocation of financial support for the payment of social security contributions.
Note: The support provided for in the AVANÇAR program is not cumulative with other direct employment support applicable to the same job in the IEFP.
Financial support
The Sustainable Employment Commitment provides for the payment of financial support for each job, with a basic value corresponding to 12 Social Support Indexes (IAS), that is, 5,765.16 euros in 2023, paid in three tranches.
It may be increased, among others, when employment contracts are concluded with young people up to the age of 35 or if the job is located in the interior of the country which corresponds to 7.206.45€.
In addition to the financial support mentioned above, during the first year of the contract, there is also the payment of half of the contributions payable to Social Security, up to the limit (€ 3,363.01).
Payment of support
The payment of financial support is made after the submission of the term of acceptance to the IEFP, in three installments, as follows:
- 60% of the value of the financial support is paid after the beginning of the validity of all supported employment contracts, within a maximum period of 20 working days after their submission to the IEFP;
- 20 % of the value of the financial support is paid in the 13th month of validity of the last contract initiated;
- 20 % of the value of the financial support is paid in the 25th month of validity of the last contract initiated.
Unemployed people enrolled in the IEFP, in one of the following situations:
- For at least 3 consecutive months
When, regardless of the time of registration, it is a question of:
- People aged 35 years or less;
- People aged 45 years or older;
- Beneficiaries of unemployment benefits;
- Beneficiaries of Social Insertion Income;
- People with disabilities and disabilities;
- Persons belonging to a single-parent family;
- Persons whose spouses or persons with whom they live in a partnership are also unemployed and enrolled in the IEFP;
- Persons to whom a measure of promotion and protection of residential reception;
- Victims of domestic violence;
- Refugees or beneficiaries of temporary protection;
- Ex-prisoners and those who serve or have served sentences or non-custodial judicial measures in conditions to enter the active life;
- Drug addicts or alcoholics in the process of recovery;
- Persons who have not registered with Social Security as an employee or as a self-employed person in the last 12 consecutive months preceding the date of registration of the job offer;
- Persons who have provided effective service under Contract, Special Contract Regime or Volunteer Regime in the Armed Forces and who are in the conditions provided for in paragraph 2 of article 22 of Decree-Law no. 76/2018, of 11 October;
- People experiencing homelessness or in the process of social integration in response defined for this purpose;
- Persons who have been granted the Informal Caregiver Status and who have provided care as the primary informal caregiver;
- People who have completed less than 12 months ago an internship funded by the IEFP;
- People who are beneficiaries of the Measure Emprego Interior Mais;;
You can consult the legislation in force Aviso de abertura de concurso n.º 3/C06-i02/2023 and in Portaria nº 109/2023.
Get to know the other hiring support available:
Or ask for support in the formulation of the application: