O Programa Qualifica Indústria pretende melhorar as qualificações dos trabalhadores das empresas do setor industrial que apresentem, em determinado período, um decréscimo da produção em resultado das condições do mercado.

This extraordinary support aims to contribute to improving the productivity and competitiveness of SMEs in the industrial sector, through the financing of training projects, defined according to the needs of workers.

The program thus seeks to encourage the (re)qualification of workers in periods of loss of productive activity, preventing the risk of unemployment and the maintenance of jobs.


Beneficiaries are companies in the industrial sector, especially SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), which have registered, in a certain period, situations of decrease in productive activity resulting from unforeseen market conditions, and outside their sphere of action.

Large companies will only be able to access the programme if the budget allocation limits allow.

Project Typology

For the Qualify Industry Program, certified training projects must be developed, which may be considered 200 hours of training per employee, up to 100 workers per company.

Financial Support

The support to be awarded translates into non-refundable funding*, with a maximum contribution of 50%, and is calculated by the cost spent on the training, which includes the costs of organizing the training and the costs of the trainees.

This support can be increased by 10% in cases of:

  • training of disabled or disadvantaged workers
  • medium-sized businesses

Or increased by 20%, if the incentive is designed for micro and small companies.

* Ou seja, o apoio atribuído não será devolvido pelo beneficiário do apoio.

Note: Total support, including mark-ups, may not exceed 70% of the total cost.

This summary does not exempt the full reading of current legislation: Portaria n.º 282/2023, de 14 de setembro.

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